Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Best 7 Inch Tablet On The Market- Google Nexus 7

Revealing The Best 7 Inch Tablet on the Market- The Google Nexus 7

Hi my techy friends! Welcome Back to TechStory. 

Today we'll be featuring Google's Nexus 7, which we believe is the best tablet on the market. We will be showing you why this tablet can be the best buy of your life- Especially if you are planning to buy yourself a new gadget for Christmas!

Lets Go!

For a long time, we pondered what makes a great tablet. And after much thinking and sleepless nights, we came up with the '7 habits of highly impressive tablet' checklist.
  1. Great design and built.
  2. Good resolution screen and responsive touch screen.
  3. Speedy processor.
  4. Easy-to-use user interface with handy features.
  5. Clear audio for music and videos.
  6. Long battery life.
  7. Price.

Okay, let's go through through them and you'll see why nexus 7 is the best tablet on the market.

1) Great design and built

First up, the design. You need to bring your tablet to your workplace, your friend's house and your vacation. Now, you wouldn't want to bring around a device that is ugly, don't you? Fear not, the Nexus 7 has scored well in the design department, even though it isn't like other tablets which you need to pay more for better designs. It looks sleek and has round curves at the edges to 'encourage' you to pick it up. 

Now, for built. It has a sturdy feel to it and it really fits great in your hand! It doesn't have that plastic-y feel you have in other lower-end tablets. This can be attributed to the tablet's back texture. It has golf ball- type of texture at the back (see above), which gives it a firm and comfortable grip. Somehow, we really like this additional feature and you've gotta try it out for yourself to know!

2) Good resolution screen and responsive touch screen

Now, this aspect is essential as the only way we interact with our tablets is with its screen- there's no mouse or keyboard. The Google Nexus 7 has a 7 inch screen that is both crystal-clear and has highly responsive touch capabilities. There is certainly no problem in reading text or watching movies on this tablet. Browsing the web on such a good quality screen is a pleasure as well. Moreover, with a screen size of 7 inch, it is no doubt easy to bring around. So, it scores highly on the screen department.

3) Speedy processor

We all hate lags and crashes. But there was no such issues with the Nexus 7 with its Nvidia Tegra 3 processor. As usual, we'll omit all the jargon here, but if there's a word to describe the processing speed, it will be 'lightning'. Its so fast that it surpasses its competitor, the iPad mini, hands down. There was virtually no lag even for intensive racing games. So if you are an avid gamer or hate lags, Nexus 7 is a tablet you should really consider

4) Easy-to-use user interface with handy features

With Jelly Bean Android 4.1 on the nexus 7, it puts this tablet ahead of the pack with some really neat features. 

One of them is Google Now. Google Now is a predictive App that tells you information based on what time it is and where you are. It gathers this information based on your web searches and your location. For example, it is 7 am in the morning and you need to go to work. Activate Google Now and it will tell you the traffic conditions and an alternative route if needed. Great yeah? 

Below is an official video from Google.

The next great feature we love is Google Voice Search. Quick and accurate, it is a great way to find information on the Web. For example, just ask 'How's the weather today?' and you will get predictions and weather details for you location. Sweet! Moreover, it is faster at finding information than Apple's Siri though both provides accurate information for searches. 

On the whole, the Nexus 7 packs many great features users can take advantage of.

5) Clear audio for music and videos.

For some, this point doesn't really matter as they have portable speakers. But for others who don't have speakers or find them too bulky to bring around (like us), it is important to have great speakers on tablets to watch videos ( like YouTube) and movies. For the Nexus 7, it actually have great sound qualities that could even surpass mediocre portable speakers. You could feel the bass thumping  as well. Now, you need not worry about having bad sound qualities on the go!

6) Long battery life

While Google is claiming 9 hours of battery life for HD video playback and 10 hours of battery life for web browsing, our research shows that many users had only 8 hours of battery life for HD video playback and 9 hours of battery life for web browsing. While such figure aren't really impressive (they are pretty average) it is still okay given its price

7) Price

If the above features haven't tempt you to reach into your wallet, the price will. Priced at $199, it is certainly bargain. With so many features in Android 4.1 Jelly bean plus incredible processing speed, this tablet is a bargain! It is hard to find such a value-for-money tablet on the market. 

The Bad

Everything has it flaws and the  Nexus 7 is no exception. 

It has no back-facing camera and has no expandable micro SD slot. Some users may want to take pictures with the table given its portable size. But well, we have a phone for taking photos so it may not be that bad. Also, some customers may like the option to have more memory on the device for their music and movies.


The Nexus 7 simply excelled in our '7 habits of highly impressive tablet' checklist.

We feel that the main selling points of the Nexus 7 is its price, fast processor and having the new Jelly Bean Android 4.1. For a price of $199 it is seriously a great buy. Moreover, it is not a lousy device that spoils on the first day. Instead, it is a full-fledged Android tablet that have many great functions. 

With its speedy processor, you could launch games and apps without a glitch. Coupled with its great built and design, Google's Nexus 7 have set the new benchmark in the 7-Inch tablet market. Finally, let's make this clear that we have not received any payments of any sort for this article. This article is solely based on our experience and research.

So, there you have it, the review on Google's Nexus 7. Will you get the Nexus 7? What's your advice for our readers? Comment below!

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